Wednesday, February 24, 2010

better hostess tip of the week...

whipped cream
{perfectly perfect whipped cream}

i know that all too many times when i have guests over, i have made a treat, & i can't whip up the cream until right before i need it. making me a terrible hostess... trying to continue to be in on the conversation while shouting from the kitchen over the mixer. one of my sweet friends gave me a tip to avoid that from happening anymore. you can

whip your cream ahead of time... even the night before.

for every 2 cups of cream, add 2 TBSP of softened cream cheese. whip the cream to soft peaks, then add the softened cream cheese. continue to whip until stiff. add powdered sugar & vanilla. keep in fridge until ready to use. if the whipped cream deflates at all, just whip it up a little & you'll be good to go!

1 comment:

rebecca said...

oh i thought it would die completely! thanks for the tip!